Explore our FAQ section for answers to common questions.
Who are Scholars?
How does Scholarnetics360 work?
How are Mentors verified?
How are Mentors matched with Scholars? 
Can Scholars access Mentor profiles before scheduling a session?
Can Mentors decline meeting requests?
Can Scholars change Mentors if they are not satisfied?
What is Scholarnetics360’s cancellation policy?
Are there additional fees for using Scholarnetics360?
How long are mentorship sessions?
How do Mentors indicate their availability?
Can Scholars access past mentorship sessions?
How does the Mentor rating work?
Are mentorship sessions private?
Are there any requirements for Mentors or Scholars regarding session frequency?
What if I have technical difficulties during a session?
How are Mentors compensated?
How are Mentors categorized into different tiers?
How much money can Mentors earn?
What can Mentors do with their earnings?
Are Mentors Scholarnetics360 employees?
How is my privacy protected on Scholarnetics360?
Can sessions be canceled or rescheduled?